I know that I have not been the best at keeping this thing updated, but I’m not kidding that this time was not my fault!  As my munchkins and I are currently living with my parents, I have been using their computer for all of my computing needs.  Logan decided that this new model was just too full of wonder and mystery to not tinker around with, so he did some Logan voodoo on it and crashed the thing (I’m going to say right here to all of you: it DOES matter if your kid flips off the surge protector while everything is running–back your stuff up!)  I called a computer guy and told him what happened.

Him:  So what is it doing now?

Me: blue screen

Him: Oh, that’s bad. I can probably fix it for $$ dollars.

Me: Crap

A few days later, I learned that “oh, that’s bad” really means “I hope you have an extra kidney to sell–and you might want to think about indentured servitude.” Bottom line: $$$.  On top of this, the computer does not actually WORK.  No, after all the work was done, I was told “Btw, your motherboard is corroded and it’s probably not going to be long before your computer crashes again–oh, and you can make the check out to _________.”

I think the most frustrating thing is that I have no idea how much this kind of thing should actually cost.  If my child is broken, say, has a runny nose, and someone says, “this is going to cost you $800 to fix.” I know that he is an idiot, because I know something of what he’s talking about.  However, I don’t speak binary so I don’t have a leg to stand on. 

I can appreciate a life lesson learned though.  So here’s mine:

Save all your money, because one day your computer is going to crash and it is going to cost a lot of money to fix it–or not fix it.


  1. vivien Said:

    oh how i hate computer problems. my external hard drive crashed recently & it’s going to cost us over $2000 (yeah it’s supposed to have 3 0’s) to recover the data that’s on there. I probably wouldn’t worry so much about loosing the data if it wasn’t ALL the pictures ever taken of my kids – so with that it’s going to be worth every penny to get it fixed! but oh how i lothe computer problems!

  2. Katie Said:

    Man that sucks!! I’m so sorry! So after all that, you had to pay for them to check it out and they didn’t even fix it??? I hate computers…

  3. Emily Schultz-Clark Said:

    Natalie! I somehow found your blog after some random blog stalking! Sounds like you’re doing well. i feel for you and the comp problems. They are the worst! Check out my blog if you want: http://www.theclarks730.blogspot.com

  4. Tiffany Wardle Said:

    Hey girlie,
    Sorry I have been a total slacker on keeping up with you blog. I had no idea Ryan went into the service. Congrats! I guess…lol I’m going to miss you! How have you been? This last blog cracked me up! lol Well I hope everything stays running on your computer for awhile now. 🙂 keep in touch!
    ❤ Tiff

  5. Marianne Said:

    So I’m lame. I left my comment in your last post. Sorry about that. Hope you are hanging in there!! Take care!
    P.S. I’m coming to Utah in June…we should get together sometime!

  6. allisten Said:

    For the love, woman, update this thing! Some of us are in distant lands and have to rely on things like this to tell us what’s new in our sisters’ lives.

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