Posts Tagged ‘activity’

Monkeys in the Zoo

I love free stuff–so I was pretty stoked when my sister Katie called and invited us to go to free day at the zoo on Wednesday.  It was a gorgeous day and so fun to get out with the kids.  I get the biggest kick out of watching little kids react to the animals.  The group favorite for us was definitely the monkeys–especially a little baby monkey that was jumping and flying all over the place.  The adult monkey would just sit there and let the little guy pounce all over them.  I looked at what I think was the mommy as her little guy stepped all over her face and swung from her tail, and I thought, “I hear ya, honey–you and I are not so different.”


        Annie and the white alligator                           


 Logan–pretty dang near proportionate

monkey-tails.jpgThese sweet little monkeys were so cute–I loved their intertwining tails!

Finding Nemo

I took the kiddies to the Living Planet Aquarium a few days ago.  I’d never been before, but I’ve seen and heard a lot about it so I thought we’d give it a whirl.  I guess it’s just a little preview of an exhibit that gives an idea of what the big one will look like–whenever that happens.  But it was pretty fun!  Annie and I tried touching all of the little critters that you are allowed to, and there is nothing like listening to a little girl squeal with a combination of excitement and apprehension (or was that me?)  Our favorites were, of course, the Nemo and Dorie fish.  I got a kick out of the octopus and learned that they use a Mr. Potatohead to feed him.  The food is stuffed in his little bum compartment, and the octopus has to figure out how to get it out.  I was glad someone explained this to me, I just thought some miscreant child had thrown his toy in the tank. 


Sorry for the dark picture–even though I carry my camera with me everywhere now, I never seem to get any better at photography…