Posts Tagged ‘wife’

Wedded Bliss


Today, Ryan and I are celebrating our SIXTH wedding anniversary!  It is so crazy how fast time goes by, but how much is accomplished in that time and how much we’ve experienced together.  I know in the grand scheme of things we are really relationship rookies, but I am excited for what lies ahead with the family that we have created, and the new challenges and adventures we will take on together.

In the spirit of gooey-loviness, I am following the example of other cute wives that I have seen and sharing a list of some of the things I love about Ryan.

So, Ryan, this is for you…

1. I love that you married me!

2. I love that you are an honorable priesthood holder

3. I love that you are a true patriot, and that it bugs you when people take the good ole USA for granted

4. I love that you have an amazing work ethic, and always want to be productive

5.  I love that you support me in my job, even though it means some sleepless nights with the kids for you

6. I love that when you hug me, you wrap your arms around my head in bear-hug fashion

7. I love that you will listen to Radio Disney in your truck, because Annie (okay, and me) likes it

8. I love that you are a better cook than I am

9. I love that when I ask why you’re a better cook, it’s always “I made it with love”

10. I love that you speak Spanish

11. I love that you served a mission

12. I love that you look good in everything, whether it be a toolbelt, suit, or whatever

13. I love that all of our first furniture pieces were made by YOU

14. I love that you can fix everything

15. I love that you tolerate my chocolate addiction

16. I love that you have dimples and a disarming smile

17. I love your blue, blue eyes

18. I love that you use the word “menace” to describe things/people that are cool

19. I love that you invite me to play computer games with you, and that you introduced me to “Civilization”

20. I love that you rock out with me on RockBand–putting up with my vocals even though I don’t know the songs

21. I love that even though you aren’t that into decorating for holidays, you don’t get in my way

22. I love that you let Annie wrap you around her little finger

23. I love that you have a deep, sexy voice that makes everyone turn and look at you

24. I love that when you are trying on suits in Nordstrom, girls get distracted and walk into walls

25. I love that you always get Logan belly-laughing by rubbing his feet on the scruff of your face

26. I love that you have a great singing voice

27. I love that you are a motivated person, and that you follow your dreams and aspirations

28. I love that you are generous with your fix-it skills, and help others in need

29. I love that you hold my hand when we are someplace public

30. I love that you need a haircut every 2 weeks to keep the hot sweetness in check

31. I love that you get along so well with my siblings and respect my parents

32. I love that you always say, “The house looks good hon”, even when it looks like I’ve let the kids have free reign all day

33. I love that you let me do my stuff (scrapbooking, furniture recovering, crafty what-nots) with only minimal complaints about the mess

34. I love that you are such an awesome dad and are the kids’ favorite (for now)

35. I love that you don’t make me doubt that you love me!!!

Happy Anniversary to my hottie husband! I love you!!!
